I Can Finally Tear Up…But I Didn’t

About a year ago my sweet brother and sister in law were trying to share with me some simple news. You know the type of way that you think this is like the efforts to put a man on the moon.

Funny thing is my mind is easy to get excited and start to think the craziest, way out there thoughts. I make quick jumps to the “exciting news” and I start to think this is the moment they tell us the stork came by their house.

Well, embarassed i was, all tearing up and super stoked, they weren’t pregnant and they kinda had a good laugh at this. The moments magic was lost in the fact that they were just letting us know that they were going to Italy.

Don’t get me wrong. i would love to go to Italy but is it really enough to move me to tears? I don’t think so.

Move ahead to three weeks ago. They were over to celebrate a bunch of different bdays. Uncle Rusty, Uncle Bob and Jane-z-pie. It was some serious fun. Walt and Jo put on a great party and we got into the margeritas. The chips and dip were flowing and the guitar got broken out.

Rustin asks us  review a song he just wrote. He asks us to listen closely to a song he wrote and give him some feedback.

He starts into a song, I don’t even remember the words but I remember thinking, I don’t understand this. I don’t understand what he’s saying. AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT DOESN”T UNDERSTAND THIS!! I’m lost. I feel somewhat stupid…and then it comes.

You probably already saw this coming hard not to the way I prefaced the story….

But out of the blue he adds in the line “Brenna’s gonna have a baby!” Three seconds pass and in almost perfect unison we all cheer, clap and yell! It was a really great moment and i appreciate the build up. It made the moment very special. Although…there were no tears this night. Just smiles!

Brenna Harris - Baby Bumb

It’s finally true!

Congrats little Rusty Jr or Brenna Jr. You have pretty amazing parents!

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